Sunday 5 February 2012

The Satyxis Selection, and some dirty Mercs.

These last couple of weeks I've been hammering out the infantry side of my cryx army. Firstly, I finished off the rest of Croes Cutthroats, who've been doing much better in games since they've had a lick of paint. 

With the camera never lying, I do realise I can't paint eyes on privateer models to save my life. The guy in this shot on the left proves this utterly. Still, I've just have to get my practise on. 

The next unit I've been tackling are these satyxis raiders. They were also a tough unit to paint. OK, their eyes are mostly covered, so no really problem there, but there was alot of processes to get them to the tabletop, and I think the end result isn't as good as it should've been

I painted the sea witch's spear tip glowly green, just so my opponents can pick her out and aim everything toward her. 

Think it'll be awhile til I tackle a full unit of something again after these girls...

I also have solo captain to paint next, then I'll be done with the satyr for a while methinks.

One final note, I started building a couple of these machines this morning, and got to this stage and had to take a picture. "Raawwrr-not-so-steady-guys-rraawwwr!!" Just made to laugh :-p
Well, still got loads to paint, so till next time.


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